My Gym Partner's a Monkey Wiki
My Gym Partner's a Monkey Wiki
Adam Lyon
Name Adam Lyon
Gender Male
Age 12
Species Human
School Chester Arthur Middle School(before being transferred)
Charles Darwin Middle School(present)
First Appearance: Me Adam, You Jake/Shark Attack
Last Appearance A Thanksgiving Carol
Voiced by Nika Futterman
Zacharias Grassme (Denmark - Dub)

Adam Lyon is a mature Armenian-American 12-year old human who was transferred from Chester Arthur Middle School to Charles Darwin Middle School (CDMS) by an accidental misspelling of his last name from "Lyon" to "Lion". As the series title suggests, in gym class, Adam was paired up with Jake Spidermonkey and the two are now best friends. Jake's plans have them getting involved in situations which end up with Adam in trouble. Adam, being physically weak, is often preyed upon by the other animal students. His personality is downtrodden, due to being in an animal school and he also has a reputation of complaining about his daily experiences at the school. Adam can be selfish and strongwilled at times. Outside of school, he is often seen with a human girl named Kerry, with whom he has a secret crush. His efforts to impress her end up with Adam's embarrassment. Towards the middle of the series, Adam seems to be on the borderline of sanity. Throughout the series, he has shown an extreme interest in clowns, for instance his favorite super hero is Captain Clowny, he eagerly hopes to atte|nd a clown-based summer day-camp, and his college of choice is Clown College, as seen on his resume in the episode My Feral Lyon. Adam is voiced by Nika Futterman.